Sunday, 31 October 2021

v0.3 is Released!

New version 0.3 available here - add comment if cannot be downloaded.

To summarize: bug corrections + added some missing skills. At UI level, 'gif' are now working and lots of players have new icons when they gain one level! Ogre example:

(Reminder: I'm not author of all these icons, most are coming from other projects like SkiJunkie, AIBowl or Fumbll - to be honest I do not remember what is coming from where, I have downloaded them a loooong time ago)
Previous save should still be compatible. See change log below for the full list of changes.
In the 'not yet implement' side, are still missing:

- Skill 'Bombardier';

- Skill 'Throw Team-Mate' (and all related skills);

- Skill 'Leap';

Also it's is still not yet possible to select inducements before a game - but AI can, and can now use Wizard! UI for tournament/team creation has unfortunately not yet been improved.

Rules are still LRB6 rules - yes I'm some years in late 😀

Next release will (I hope) contain all the rules. After that this will highly increase time available for developing the AI itself, which has still a too low level in my opinion. Idea is also to be able to create some leagues with divisions instead of simple tournament.

A FFAI version (see exists but is not yet enough tested and consequently is not released. You can see a video of v.0.3 versus v.0.2 using FFAI framework:

Some behaviors are strange and probably due to bug when interfacing Drefsante AI and FFAI - see for example last turn of red team at first half where player starts a Pass action (in order to score), picks-up the ball... and then does not do the pass! On the other hand some new AI features are visible (like Ball carrier can now stay several turns next Touchdown area without scoring if not threatened and if team is not loosing). But some strange player moves are also visible, it remains tough work! 💪
Just for fun, 100 matches have been played between 2 last releases (Human vs Human) with a result of 40 Wins (for new release), 26 Draws and 34 Losses. 100 is not significant, but trend is that AI level has not been increased a lot in this release. In comparison my last 20 games against Drefsante AI v.0.3: 20 Wins and 2 goals received 😕
Still some work needed before reaching human level !
Notice result versus FFAI scripted bot is good on last 100 matches (Human vs Human): 89 Wins, 9 Draws, 2 Loses.

Final change log:

Version 0.3

Requires now Java 11.

Rules Implementation

- Add skill 'Kick';

- Add skill 'Piling On';

- Add skill 'Hail Mary Pass';

- Add skill 'Blood Lust';

- Add skill 'Diving Catch';

- Add skill 'Kick-Off Return';

- Add skill 'Animosity';

- Add skill 'Multiple Block';

- Add skill 'Dump-Off';

- Add skill 'Pass Block';

- Add Wizard (for AI only);

Bug correction

- 'Diving Catch' skill was sometimes used as if it was skill 'Diving Tackle';

- Was not possible to correctly use 'Hypnotic gaz';

- Correct bug where ball can bounce too many times;

- Correct bug where failed block against player with skill 'Block' was not ending the team's turn;

- Correct bug where not relevant player (prone, bone-head, etc) could catch the ball from accurate pass;

- Correct bug where Stunned player (after pitch invasion) can keep the ball;

- Correct bug to avoid that player picks up the ball if ball is in the air (at quick snap of blitz event for example);

- Correct bug at kick-off if player selected to get the ball (if ball goes out of pitch) is stunned ('Pitch invasion') or Ko ('throw rock'): the ball was disappeared;

- Correct bug where kick-off set-up and kicking events were played twice at the start of second half if previous turn  ended with a Touchdown;

- Skill 'Pro' was not correctly implemented;

- With 'Jump up' skill it was possible to block while stunned. Now it's only possible if knock down;

Was not possible to use re-roll when failing Jump Up on block;

AI improvements

- Avoid not needed catcher move;

- Improve move to bother ball carrier;

- Improve 'follow' behavior;

- Correction in pass probabilities - fumbble was not taken into account;

- Correction in pass probabilities: probability of moving of the thrower was not correctly taken into account;

- Correction in HandOff probability;

- Improve global defensive position;

- Improve Block/Blitz behavior;

- Correct bug where AI wanted to always move before to pass ball;

- Now AI is not moving on a ball if not explicitly wished;

- Better estimation of remaining turns needed for a player to move to touch down area;

- Tune selection of skill after a game;

- If AI is last to play during a half and cannot score, he will do the easiest pass in order to gain experience;

- When available, 'Pro' skill was always used when doing a block, whatever dice result;

- Better take into account 'Tackle' skill;

- Ball carrier can now stay several turns next Touchdown area without scoring if not threatened and if team is not loosing;

UI improvements

- When selecting ball position at kick-off: scatter directions are now visible;

- Correct loading of 'gif' that were not animated;

- Automatic path selected when moving can now never go on the ball square;

- Some players have now a new icon when they gain one level;

- It is now possible to get result of activation Roll without moving (for example Bone Head, Really Stupid or Blood Lust):

  Eventually select your action (it will be considered as Move action if none is selected) and then right click on the player. Activation  result will be visible. It's important because result can impact your planned move (mainly for blood lust). If you right click again on same player, his move is finished. For player without these kills, right click on him end player's action;

- Do not display apothecary icon if team has none apothecary;