New version 0.4 available here - add comment if cannot be downloaded.
See this article to know how to install it. Practically, just unzip and type in a command prompt: java -jar bloodbowl-0.4.jar. Should be easy 😀
! Only bloodbowl-0.4.jar file is needed, all other files are used only for 'Bot Bowl' interface - see below.
To summarize: to be honest, I didn't work a lot on this project this year, and most of differences with 0.3 have been implemented end of last year and are mainly bug corrections. Notice that Skill 'Throw Team-Mate' (and all related skills) has been implemented (see details). Skill 'Bombardier' is also implemented - but AI will not yet used it. But if you throw bomb on an AI he will perfectly deal it. See this video:
Rules are still LRB6 rules, and only missing skill is 'Leap'!
Version contains also some fine UI improvements - like lots of tool tips about rules have been added.
And last minute dev (which means with lots of bugs and badly tested 😋), when creating a new tournament you can now load some (or all) teams of a previous tournament:
- Select old tournament you have saved;
- Click on Load Teams. This will add new teams and you can remove some of them, and eventually change coach (from AI to Human for example):
'Bot Bowl' AI is also available
A python interface has been developed to be able to use Drefsante_AI in Bot Bowl: see this project to know more about 'Bot Bowl'.
You simply need bloodbowl-0.4.jar and the python files and drefsante_bot.cfg.
JAVA jdk-11 must be installed on the machine and system PATH must contain full path to:
- [...]/jdk/bin
- [...]/jdk/bin/server
Configuration file 'drefsante_bot.cfg' must be edited with parameters:
temporaryFolder = path to an existing folder where files can be created/deleted
jarPathName = path to the .jar file
See njustesen project to know how to use a bot. Practically you will have to import drefsante_bot, and name of the bot is 'Drefsante_AI_v.0.4'.
This version will participate to the Bot Bowl IV competition! Notice this version is much slower and all skills are not yet working.
Print screen of 'drefsante_ai' about to score against 'scripted' version of Bot Bowl - although team has been seriously injured!Final change log:
Version 0.4
Still requires Java 11.
Rules Implementation
- Add skill 'Throw Team-Mate';
- Add skill 'Right Stuff';
- Add skill 'Always Hungry';
- Add skill 'Bombardier';
Bug correction
- Correct bug at kick-off where it was possible to give ball to a player with No-Hands skill if ball went out of pitch;
- Correct bad implementation of 'Really Stupid' skill;
- Correct bug for 'PassBlock' when used by AI;
- Bug where AI can have more than 16 players and didn't fire any player;
- Can happen that after failed blood lust, it is not asked to select a victim to bite - for example after block against player with 'Foul Appearance' skill;
- Was not possible to use 'Bribe' coming from 'Get the Ref' kick-off table;
- Bug when more than 16 players in one team (due to Necromancer who uses 'Raise the Dead');
- One bounce was missing when launching ball on an empty square (if pass was accurate);
- If a player was 'stunned' and suffered a 'knock-down' result (foul action for example), 'stunned' status was lost;
- Correct a bad error message if a collapsed player was set on pitch at kick-off;
- We can now use several bribes (if we have several) successively if first attempt(s) is (are) failing;
- 'Follow' Move is now done before setting defender knock down;
- When an injury was removed (apothecary or regeneration), player was still missing next match;
- Correct rare crash when ball&chain player on the pitch;
- Was not possible to rise up player with root activated;
- Take root roll could be done although player had root activated;
- Injured player with 'Secret Weapon' was not missing next game and injury was never removed;
- For Injury roll > 51, there were some errors in the injury obtained;
- Regeneration after Decay was not always healing both injuries;
- It was possible to use Igor on 'Star player';
- Players of the receiving team that were stunned during kickoff event (pitch invasion, blitz, etc) were not switched to prone with move done
(so these players were missing 2 turns instead of one);
- Now if a player wants to stand up with MA lower than 3, a roll of 4 is needed;
- During Blizzard it was possible to do pass longer than SHORT;
AI improvements
- AI can use all new skills implemented in the version, except 'Bombardier' he will not yet used. But if he receives a bomb, he will throw it;
- Minor changes in skill selection;
- Improvements in move of player that will assist a block/blitz;
- Add new possible starting roster for 'Chaos', 'Chaos Dwarf', 'Elf', 'Goblin', 'Halfling', 'High Elf', 'Human', 'Khemri', 'Lizardman', 'Necromantic', 'Norse', 'Nurgle', 'Ogre', 'Orc', 'Skaven', 'Undead', 'Vampire', 'Wood Elf';
- Ball carrier was sometimes going back too fast if he cannot score before end of game (not good because it makes pass/hand-off in order to score more difficult);
- AI was still sometimes moving on a ball when not explicitly wished;
- Correct big error in probability to move where number of tackles at destination was not taken into account;
UI improvements
- Some checks are done before to create new tournament (like no team with same name, etc);
- Nothing was visible in the interface if a player uses 'DivingTackle';
- Apothecary icon is now not visible if he has been used during game;
- New information is available for each team (Team Value, FAME, inducements, etc.);
- Team logo is visible only if team can re-roll this turn;
- Add lots of tool tips (notably for skills);
- In player information window, skill is strikethrough if skill cannot be used anymore for the player;
- Status 'Collapsed From Heat' is now visible in the player information panel;
- Ball&chain: after first move, blue block dices were not visible;
- Icon visible when a player is victim of 'Foul Action';
- 'Move' value of a player with 'root' activated is now equal to 0 (so we see ;
- When creating new tournament, it is now possible to load teams from previous saved tournaments;
- Correct some problems when renaming a team;
- Pass issue: problem of display of players that can intercept;