Sunday, 27 November 2022

v.0.5 is Released!

New version 0.5 available here - add comment if cannot be downloaded.

See this article to know how to install it. Practically, just unzip and type in a command prompt: java -jar bloodbowl-0.5.jar. Should be easy ðŸ˜€

If you want to use 'Bot Bowl' interface, see this blog article, but in Bot Bowl, this AI is slightly less good and some skills are not implemented or properly tested.

To summarize:

Some cool stuffs like implementation of latest skill of LRB6 (all skills are implemented now!), blood on the pitch, different pitches, inducements before match can be used also for user team (Wizard and so on), small animations (when gaining XP, etc)... But main task was bug fixing for this release - like turn marker that was moved at the end of the turn and not at the beginning.

This version should be more stable than v.0.4, although I know it contains some bugs I still do not have resolved. But to my knowledge, no big issue... UI to create/manage tournament is still poor, but my time is limited! 😛

Final change log:

Version 0.5

Still requires Java 11.

Rules Implementation

- 'Juggernaut' skill: during blitz action when 'both down' is selected, we can now use the skill to select 'pushed' instead;

- Add skill 'Leap';

Bug correction

- Player that should miss one game was missing 2 games (and in second game, it was counted as a member of the team -> we could start with less than 11 players)

- It was not possible to reroll a failed 'Wild Animal' roll;

- During pushing sequence (after block), ball sometimes bounces before the end of the sequence. Now this is done only after all pushing moves;

- It is no longer possible to use team reroll when catching ball at kick-off;

- Player with skill 'Decay' could keep status 'Badly Hurt' during several matches, leading to some issues;

- Injured Star Player was not always removed from SI area after a game;

- If ball was caught by a player in Touchdown area, touchdown was not counted;

- A player was able to use skill 'Sure Feet' more than once per turn;

- Rare crash when a player with 'DumpOff' has the ball and is blocked by a player with 'Multiple Block';

- During 'Touchback' at kick-off, AI was able to select only player not in tackle area to get the ball. If none available, ball was not anymore on the pitch;

- Turn marker move is now done at the beginning of the turn after kick-off (and not at the end);

- Skill 'Tackle' for stand up player was effective even if the player had lost his tackle zone (being hypnotized for example);

- 'Dauntless' skill was used also for defender although it should be only for the player who blocks (attacker);

- When AI was buying a Wandering Apothecary (inducement), an Igor was bought instead;

- Frenzy skill was not used for 'Pushed' result on a defender who is using 'Stand Firm' skill;

- It was possible to move (during block action) a player with 'taken root' activated;

The attacker player was earning Star Player point if the defender was stunned and also if the defender was thrown out of pitch;

AI improvements

- Better use of 'Juggernaut' skill;

- Miscellaneous improvements of Vampire team - mainly when 'Blood Lust' failed;

- Corrections in path finding algorithm - in some cases some squares were not correctly evaluated;

- Skill 'Leap' is taken into account in each move probability;

- Minor Skill selection changes when upgrading a player;

- Minor changes in Team management after game;

- Minor changes in behavior during a game;

AI improvements - specific to 'Bot Bowl'

- Now AI never uses 'Apothecary' when player is simply KNOCKED_OUT (apothecary is kept for later);

UI improvements

- Ensure we cannot move player in bad area during set-up;

- When creating new tournament and loading existing teams, now 'Human' coach is correctly retrieved (previously it was always AI selected);

- Now we can load teams coming from 2 different saved tournament if they have the same name - when creating the team, we generate a unique id. This will not work for tournament saved before v.0.5. We can also rename a loaded team (useful when 2 teams of different saved tournament have same name);

- Add possibility to change pitch background;

- In Team editor, Team Value was not directly updated when a player was upgraded;

- In Team editor, some values (like Reroll, treasury, etc) were sometimes incorrect, mainly after switching from one team to another one;

- Information dialog is now displayed to give more information about kick off event;

- Indicate Team Name on each side of the pitch;

- Add blood on the pitch when a player is KO, Badly Hurt, Seriously Injured or Dead;

- Add simple animation when a player gains experience or/and score touchdown;

- Reduce CPU used by UI when a player is selected;

- Correct display of dice roll for 'Shadowing' in the Information window (one modifier due to Movement value was not correct);

- Inducements can now be bought by user in the pre-match sequence (consequently Wizard can be now used by the user);

- It is no longer possible to create, load save a tournament when a game is running;

- Small improvement of UI when creating new tournament - now you can easily delete some teams loaded from previous tournament;

- Background picture added when creating new tournament;


- A game win brings now 3 points (instead of 2);