Wednesday, 7 February 2024

v.0.7 is Released!

New version 0.7 available here - add a comment if it cannot be downloaded.

See this article to know how to install it. Practically, just unzip and type in a command prompt: java -jar bloodbowl-0.7.jar. Should be easy ðŸ˜€ !Java 20 is needed! 

If you want to use 'Bot Bowl' interface, see this blog article, but in Bot Bowl, this AI is slightly less good and some skills are not implemented or properly tested.

To summarize:

The two main points of this release are:

- Focus on the AI;

- Add new teams (14) from the Secret League (

Although the AI has been improved, it remains a lots of possible improvements and you will still see some stupid moves. However I have added a lots of tests and developed some debug tools that allow me to easily introduce new tests. Practically, this means we should get less regressions in the AI in the future. I mean, when adding a new AI behavior, you do not always realized that this new behavior introduces a weakness in a different position. With all the tests added in this release, we should have less regression in the future!

The UI for the tournament creation is still ugly - maybe one day it will be improved 💪

Last remark: the AI is a bit slower - an AI vs AI match takes now about 11 seconds without UI activated. This is far too long, but this is not really a problem.


Final change log:

Version 0.7

Requires now Java 20.

Rules Implementation
- It is now possible to re-roll a 'Ball and Chain' move;

Bug correction
- Game could freeze with skill 'Ball and Chain';
- Correct regression with skill 'Ball and Chain' where player stopped to move after one block;
- Correction where it was possible for player with 'Leap' to use the skill during 'Quick Snap';
- In some cases, it was possible to use 'Leap' with only one remaining 'Going For It';
- Correct an issue in UI if you use Ctrl + right click to move a player (it was a hidden functionality not working correctly). This has been disabled;
- It was not possible to start a drive if the remaining number of players was lower than 3;

AI improvements
- Correction in blocking probability when attacker has skill 'Wrestle' or 'Pro';
- Minor improvements related to dice selection (or reroll choice) when blocking a player that can be pushed out of the pitch;
- When the bank is full (200 000 Gold), now AI uses remaining gold in treasury to buy inducements before each match;
- AI will block/blitz more frequently;
- Small change where blitz was never used if the player was already next the opposite player (this has an impact for 'Horns' for example);
- Blitz is now more often used by 'prone' player;
- Minor change of behavior when the ball is in the air;
- Improvements in the choice of the AI to select the player to assist, and the square to go;
- Improvements when moving the catcher;
- Correct regression where AI was not anymore trying to bother catcher that could potentially score a Touchdown;
- Better take into account skills 'Side Step' and 'Stand Firm' to be less 'afraid' of squares next border;
- Minor changes in selection of square when pushing an opposite player;
- Better move done by prone players;
- Better move to defend ball carrier;
- Correct regression related to skill 'Throw TeamMate' - it was almost never used;
- Do not try to improve assist of an attacker who has 'Chainsaw' skill - because it will not change the probability;
- AI wanted to always move the ball carrier of at least one square before to hand-off the ball. Now it can directly hand-off without moving it is the best action;
- Better move chosen by the ball carrier;
- Hypnotize first players that have a tackling zone;
- Improve choice to follow or not after a push;

UI improvements
- It is not possible anymore to click on 'Cancel' when upgrading a player (previously we could re-roll dices until we like the result);
- Some text could be badly displayed depending on the Java version used - like the Team's name on the pitch;
- Do not show inducements dialog before match if not enough money to buy the cheapest one;
- Team Ranking: column 'Points' moved to the last column;
- When the user click on a square, if he doesn't release the button on the same square -> no action is executed. This avoids some potential bugs;

- Add some 'Secret League Team' from
    * Araby Team
    * Bretonnian Team
    * Estalia Team
    * Ethereal Team
    * Forest Halflings
    * Giant Team
    * Gnome Team
    * Kingdom of Ind
    * Kislev Team
    * Nippon Team
    * Northern Nippon Team
    * Pirates of Sartosa
    * Treemen Team
    * Were Team