Thursday, 25 August 2022

Drefsante_AI_v.0.4 won 'BotBowl IV' Competition!

Let's celebrate the title! 💪

Bot Bowl IV is the fourth AI competition in Blood Bowl and happened (virtually) at the IEEE Conference of Games 2022 - see this link for more information.

Here is the final ranking:

And a video about the result: here!

Don't have yet time to look in details at the results. And let's be honest, number of playing games during the competition is wayyyyy to low to be significant enough to see which AI/Bot is the better, but anyway the win for this year is for Drefsante_AI!

Only 'Human' team versus 'Human' team games. A competition with all teams would be better for my AI as it's taking all skills into account which is probably not the case of other bots. Except 'Leap'  which has been implemented only in v.0.5 - article about this will come soon.

Thanks to Niels Justesen for the tournament and to all those that have implemented the 'Bot Bowl' interface which is quite nice.

Last available version of Dresante_AI is still the v.0.4 - see this article

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